Euan: [Mike is trying to change his image] Wait a minute, where are the clothes we bought you? I thought you were changing your image, you look exactly the same.
Mike Platt: [Slightly slurred] I don't think so.[Sticks out his tongue to reveal a tongue-piercing]
Euan: You pierced your tongue?
Mike Platt: Yeah, no dit Derlock!
Liz Lombardi: Yeah, that reminds me. I've gotta go, I've got a date tonight.
Euan: Hang on, Mike's tongue-ring reminds you that you have a date tonight?
Liz Lombardi: Yeah. "He's" got a stud in his mouth...
Off Centre, 2ª série, 3º episódio.
2 comentários:
ja tinha saudades deste teu cantinho e de ver que, afinal, ate temos alguns gostos parecidos!! o que eu adorava esta série!! :D
Também eu! :D o sotaque do Euan! Ah mas há mais coisas que eu gosto e tu também! Há sim!! Pronto, está bem, tu gostas de loiros e eu de morenos, pormenores... jinhos**
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